วันจันทร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why do we have to use blog in ELT?

   "In terms of why people blog, well, my belief is that it's to have a voice, however small. To think that just like the people who write those fancy opinion columns for The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, you too can share your thoughts, vent, and complain to the public at large. Having said that, there are lots of really smart bloggers who have interesting perspectives on the news, politics, sports, business, etc., people who wouldn't otherwise be heard in mainstream media.
   "Sometimes I'll write something and never get a response from anyone, but other times I'll write about something like an ethical challenge for a Fortune 500 business or the lame excuses men use for cheating on their spouse, and it'll garner dozens or even hundreds of comments from other people, readers who share perspectives I never knew.



Good girl gone bad

Video Teaching English.

Love Story